Kalypto Basel Compliance (KBC) is a specialized computing engine designed to automate the process of regulatory capital computations for Credit Risk, Counterparty Credit Risk, Market Risk, and Operational Risk. It ensures compliance with Basel Capital Adequacy regulations and offers a comprehensive solution for regulatory advisory and IT services.

Key Features

Basel RWA Computation

KBC computes Risk-Weighted Assets (RWA) for Credit Risk, Counterparty Credit Risk, and integrates RWA components of Market and Operational Risk to calculate Capital Adequacy Ratios (CRAR) in accordance with Basel regulations.

Pre-configured and Customizable Reports

The solution provides pre-configured reports for regulatory compliance, which can be customized to suit specific requirements. This ensures flexibility and adaptability to evolving regulatory standards.

Dashboards with Drill Downs

: KBC offers dashboards with drill-down capabilities for reconciliation, providing transparency into methodologies and calculation logics. This enables users to trace data back to its source and identify any discrepancies or errors.

Advanced Stress Testing and Sensitivity Analysis

KBC includes advanced stress-testing and sensitivity analysis features, allowing users to assess the impact of various scenarios on capital adequacy and risk exposure. This enhances risk management capabilities and facilitates informed decision-making.

Overall, Kalypto Basel Compliance (KBC) offers a comprehensive solution for Basel Capital Adequacy compliance, combining advanced computational capabilities with transparency, flexibility, and ease of use to meet the regulatory requirements of financial institutions effectively.

Automation of Reporting and Dashboarding
Transparency of Methodologies and Calculation Logics
Data Analysis and Representation via Dashboards